Friday, December 14, 2007

The world and what is to be...

There are two things I want to talk about tonight.  I will put one of them in this post and the next item so that whoever looks at this can choose which item they would like to read...

The first is an article I read tonight.  Usually, I keep myself out of the whole political arena.  I vote for whomever I want to vote for and then I do not make outside comments about it.  In preparation for 2008, I need to take a stand.  Now the stand that I take may not be popular and I may here about it for this but here I go.

My vote is for Mike Huckabee.  My reasons are simple, I believe that I will one day answer to God for choices that I make.  I already have much that will be paraded before me but will be washed away by Jesus' sacrifice.  This puts me in the position of now being responsible for choices versus being ignorant before.  I can not support a brazen adulterer, or a murderer of children, or someone that was, until politically expedient, a murderer of children, or someone that believes in their own cultish version of 'christianity' (commas and lower case c intentional).  This conscience that guides me shows me a man that, though not perfect, also believes in giving God the control over our daily lives that He deserves.

Now, tonight, online I read an article that could be potentially damaging.  'Huckabee supports the submission of wives!'.  I feel so sorry for the world sometimes.  Yes, I am sure that Huck and his wife believe in this.  If they did not, I would not feel the same about him.  I can hear it now...
'I am not only a religious bigot, now I am a religious bigot AND sexist/chauvinistic!'
What the world has done to one of the most beautiful passages in scripture is ridiculous.  Yes, the passage calls for wives to submit to their husbands, but, and the next part is so often left out of politically correct conversations, those same husbands are called to love their wives AS Christ loves the Church!  This is not a love that abuses or beats or takes advantage of the other person.  This is a love that serves and respects and cherishes the other person.  A love that serves even to the point of offering His own life for the good of the other!  This is the submission and love that the Bible talks about, a relationship of mutual respect and sacrifice for each other, and there is no belittling, how can there be when TOGETHER, the two of you are growing TOWARDS Christ!

But, what will the world do with this message?  Who knows, if they keep the same track record, this will be devastating.  But, if somehow a voice cries out for the good of all, maybe the Governor will pull it out.  I can only pray!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nothing more amazing than a child. Hey, I wanted to say... your comment on my blog about your wife's television habits... I'd encourage you to encourage HER, instead of discussing your dissatisfaction with her actions.

Live as an example. Don't watch television, and for no other reason than your love of Christ. Let her see that in the way you live. Pray for her. Encourage her. But don't tell her what she should and shouldn't do. Don't tell her she's wrong. Don't be annoyed with her, on a blog, or in real life. Just encourage and love through Christ. He will work on her heart in His timing. Just be faithful in prayer.

If she turns on the tv... go in the other room and FERVENTLY pray for her.