Wednesday, January 2, 2008

I wish I could help...

I was driving home from gathering in the materials necessary to satisfy my wife's pregnant ice cream craving.  Across the speakers in my car comes, Stephen Curtis Chapman's "All I Really Want For Christmas".  It is a song set in the recitation of an orphan child's letter to Santa stating that all he wanted for Christmas was a home and family.  It was not the first time that I had heard this song, I have even seen the video, but, for some reason, tonight, while on the 5 minute drive from Baskin Robbins to my house I burst into tears.  It actually came to the point of needing to pull over and stop the car.  My heart was breaking over the thought of all of those children that celebrated Christmas this year away from a family or not having a home.

I was overwhelmed with the desire to take each and every one of those children into my home and my heart.  I pray that God would use me to help at least one of these children at some time.  We try so hard to stop the death of the unborn, ask that they be given a chance, whether it be in their home or someone else's, but do we work just as hard at making sure that those children given a chance at life, then have a chance at the Real Life?  I know I don't.  I stand on my soapbox and preach a good message when given the opportunity but then what have I done for those little ones?  I am not asking everyone to go out and adopt 10 children this moment (unless you really want to :) ) but what can each of us do to help, there must be something.

I would like to adopt someday.  My wife and I are expecting our first right now.  After that I do not know what the Lord has in store for us, I am excited to find out though.  In the meantime, can I be a Big Brother, can I offer my time to a home, can I share a meal?  Will I be a sheep or a goat some day when we are divided?  When have I done for the least of these?

I love everyone who reads and pray for each of us, may the Lord put each of us into a position to help the least of these. Amen.


Tam said...

Great Post and thoughts Sean. And i agree with you in that this year I am working on being a better doer of the word and my own words, not just a hearer or sayer. It means nothing without action.

Congrats to you and your wife! When are you expecting? I LOVE kids! I have a 13 and 11 year old - they are what makes this family such a blast! What a journey and wild ride parenting is! I wouldn't trade it for the world!

Thanks for your comment on my abortion post. the support and kind words of everyone have been amazing. I'm excited to complete the book and really get my story out there...

Have a great day Sean!

Robin said...

Wonderful! Our actions do speak louder than our words - something I'm trying to incorporate into my life more fully.

Happy New Year!

Esther said...

This is very sweet! You display God's heart in this...

Sean Sims said...

Hi Everyone, thanks for dropping by!

Tam - It always helps to hear encouragement. I appreciate your agreement of the things that run around in the recesses of my mind. As far as the baby, we are looking for that delivery on or around May 8th. And sign me up for one of those copies of your book!

Tam said...

Hey Sean...good day! Sounds Australian, but I'm not - just a wanta be =)

Our oldest was born in April and I LOVED that time of year to have a child. Your wife is gonna like that! Are you gonna find out what you're having?

Sean Sims said...

Hi Tam,
We already found out, he/she is going to be a he, Mark Gavin. We are really looking forward to it. My wife just liked the names but I like to think that we are naming him after the gospel writer! She wouldn't appreciate it that much but that's how I am thinking of it.

Also, after reading some of your posts I wanted to make a book suggestion, could you email me at